The Infiorate of Spello. The flowers festival in Spello Italy

The Infiorate of Spello. The flowers festival in Spello Italy

The Infiorate of Spello. The flowers festival in Spello Italy

The Infiorate (flowers festival) of Spello in Umbria. An event not to be missed

The events in Umbria are numerous, from art to music and sport, but the Infiorate of Spello are probably one of the most visited festival by tourists and among the most particular and unique.

An event that takes place through the alleys of the medieval town of Spello. The passionate Spellani flower growers, divided into teams, compete to create the most beautiful painting or carpet.

One of the most important phases is certainly the collection and selection of flowers based on the color but also the fineness of the petal. Work that constantly occupies the fans of the event, who go in search of many places, including Subasio Mount, to pick flowers.

The event begins on Saturday morning, with the setting up of the structures where the works will be designed. All the works are original and designed by the Infioratori themselves. After the setting up of the structures, the real artistic work begins with the drawing on the ground. After making the trace to work on, start laying all the flowers, categorically by hand and without using glue.

The laying of the flowers is a job that occupies the infioratori throughout the night. From late Saturday afternoon, you can begin to see the real creation which will end on Sunday morning.

With the passage of the procession of the sacred procession with the bishop, the event ends.

The works carried out are about 70 Infiorate between carpets - each from 12 to 15 meters in length, with a minimum surface area of ​​15 square meters - and large paintings - from 25 to 90 square meters.

A tip, to better enjoy the view of the works, we recommend going to Spello, for the walk through the alleys, very early in the morning, possibly at 7:00, maximum 7:30. At this time, the works will be almost completely completed and there will not be too much difficulty in walking through the narrow streets of Spello.

The official link of the event: 

If you would like a walking tour of Spello, visit our page: Guided tour of Spello.
